
Sunday, January 3, 2010


These tips will help you to bring somebody significant into your life and set you on the road to a good relationship. There is somebody out there who is just longing to meet you and form a loving partnership with you. These ideas will help you to find that person or bring them into your life. Some of the suggestions may seem radical but do give them a try - you might be surprised at the result!

1. There is nothing more attractive than somebody who is acting authentically and expressing their emotions from their heart, without imposing them on other people. Try to be yourself when dating - you are perfect as you are.

2. Begin to visualise your ideal partner - you can even make a list of the attributes you desire. Once you have done this and set your mind and heart on meeting that person, put the list aside and trust that they will appear in your life.

3. If you are without a partner, perhaps for a long time, ask yourself why you would want to be alone. What benefits have you associated with being alone - what emotional pain do you think it is protecting you from? Be really honest with yourself - identifying the barriers and working to remove them will transform your dating experience. Once you become 100% willing, a partner will appear!

4. If you are struggling to find somebody or to keep a new partner in your life, ask yourself - "is there somebody I am still holding on to?". If this is the case you will not be fully available to a new partner. Work to let go of past relationships.

5. If you keep meeting the 'wrong sort of people', try to spot the patterns in their behaviour. Are you attracted to them strongly before they start behaving undesirably? Learn to spot these types of people and avoid them, as they trigger your own insecurities and will stop you meeting the right person.

6. Ask a friend to give you honest feedback about your dress sense, make-up and your image. If necessary go with them shopping to spruce up your wardrobe. Being well dressed will make you feel good about yourself.

7. When you meet on a date, concentrate on making eye contact - this is the most powerful way to connect with somebody - but don't overdo it on the first date.

8. On a date talk about the things you love and that interest you. Look for rapport and a sense of connection, not just intellectually but from the heart. Does the person you are dating touch you emotionally in some way - this is always a good sign.

9. Relax into the process of dating - by trying too hard you will come across as needy and put people off. With trust and a sense of self-confidence you can enjoy the dating process, knowing that the right person will appear at the right time.

10. Above all commit to your personal development and grow your self -esteem. Emotional awareness and a feeling of self respect will give you a natural confidence and charisma that will be irresistible to potential partners.

Raghu Natrajan

1 comment:

lovetips8 said...

Do you believe in love at first sight. The best and most beautiful things in the world can't be seen, nor touched, but are felt in the heart.
dating advice